Friday, January 9, 2009

First unexpected "have to" spend of the year

Our furnace decided that it needed to go out on us. We woke up to a crisp 60 degree house. Luckily when we bought the house we got a warranty on it that we've renewed every year. It's been the best $350 a year we've spent because we've had thing go out every year that would have cost many times more than that to replace. We pay a $55 service charge and everything else is taken care of by the warranty company. We've had our old furnace serviced multiple times until they found a crack in one of the pipes which got us a brand new $2,000 furnace, we've had our water heater replaced and we also had half of a room rewired. It pays for itself every year. I guess that's what we get for living in a house built in '72 that's had a string of not-so-smart do-it-yourselfers. So, today we had to get our furnace fixed, but at least it was only $55.

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